This book introduces the OSM project, its aims and objectives, and its history, then guides you through the process of gathering, editing, and using OpenStreetMap data using a series of real-world examples. This book is the perfect aid for geographic-information professionals interested in using OpenStreetMap in their work and web designers and developers who want to include mapping in their sites, and want a distinctive style. It is for you if you have a need to use maps and geographic data for work or leisure, and want accurate, up-to-date maps showing the information you're interested in, without details you don't need. If you want to use maps for navigation and want more or less detail than traditional printed maps give this book is perfect for you.
Chapter 1: Making a Free, Editable Map of the World
Chapter 2: Getting started at
Chapter 3: Gathering Data using GPS
Chapter 4: How OpenStreetMap Records Geographical Features
Chapter 5: OpenStreetMap's Editing Applications
Chapter 6: Mapping and Editing Techniques
Chapter 7: Checking OpenStreetMap Data for Problems
Chapter 8: Producing Customised Maps
Chapter 9: Getting Raw OpenStreetMap Data
Chapter 10: Manipulating OpenStreetMap Data using Osmosis
Chapter 11: OpenStreetMap's Future
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