Valuable tips and tricks for using the latest version of Google Analytics Packed with insider tips and tricks, this how-to guide is fully revised to cover the latest version of Google Analytics and shows you how to implement proven Web analytics methods and concepts. This second edition of the bestselling "Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics" is the perfect book for marketers, vendors, consultants, and Webmasters who want to learn the installation, configuration, tracking techniques, and best practices of Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free tool that measures Web site effectiveness and helps users better understand how web site performance; this book is a detailed usage guide written by one of the software's original creators Explains what filters keep data accurate, how to measure Flash usage and tag for e-mail marketing, and what visitor segmentation provides the most useful feedback Examines principles and practices of Web analytics, then shows how to use GA's reports and how to track dynamic Web pages, banners, outgoing links, and contact forms Discusses advanced setups for configuring goals and filters, how to integrate GA with third-party systems, and how to leverage the new API "Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics, Second Edition" is valuable for both novice and experienced users of Google Analytics.
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