In order to understand the framework in the context of a real-world application, we need to build something that will more closely resemble the types of applications web developers actually have to build. That is exactly what we are going to be doing.
In this article by Jeffery Winesett, author of Agile Web Application Development with Yii1.1 and PHP5, we introduce the project task tracking application called TrackStar. There are many other project management and issue tracking applications out there in the world, and the basic functionality of ours will not be any different from many of these. So why build it, you ask? It turns out that this type of user-based application has many features that are common to a great many web applications out there. This will allow us to achieve two primary goals:
* Showcase Yii's incredible utility and feature set as we build useful functionality and conquer real-world web application challenges
* Provide real-world examples and approaches that will be immediately applicable to your next web application project
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