Thanks to improved web browser support and the advent of HTML5, JavaScript now plays a major role in programming high-performance web graphics. This hands-on book shows you how to create rich web applications for big-screen computers and small-screen mobile devices using JavaScript, jQuery, DHTML, and HTML5's Canvas element-without plugins. By following real-world examples, experienced web developers will learn fun and useful approaches to arcade games, DHTML effects, business dashboards, and more. This book provides a gentle learning curve by serving complex subjects in easily digestible pieces, with each topic acting as a foundation for the next. Learn how to take advantage of JavaScript's growing power and speed to build a new generation of user experiences. * Learn the latest HTML5 techniques, including the use of the Canvas element and SVG * Tackle JavaScript optimization and understand how it impacts mobile deployment * Create eye-catching effects by combining old-school DHTML with jQuery * Learn different architectures for real-time arcade games * Explore growing 3D possibilities, such as the use of scaling and perspective * Use JavaScript and Canvas to create applications for the small-screen, such as iPhone * Discover approaches to business-oriented visualization and dashboard graphics
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