Scala has established itself as a viable alternative to Java, and powerful new tools make it easier than ever to get started. Play 2 is an open source web framework for building browser-based applications in Scala. It takes advantage of Scala's strong type system to give high-performance, bug-free code. Because it's event-based and non-blocking, it's a great choice for near real time applications. And it makes use of the web's stateless nature to offer excellent scalability and flexibility. Play for Scala shows how to build Scala-based web applications using the Play 2 framework. It starts by introducing Play! through a comprehensive overview example. Then, it looks at each facet of a typical Play application, both by exploring simple code snippets and by adding to a larger running example. * Covers easiest way to build real-world web applications * Shows how to take advantage of latest technologies * Teaches how to build more robust software Written for programmers familiar with Scala and web-based application architecture. No previous experience with Play required. Play 2.0 is open-source software that makes it possible for programmers to use the Scala programming language to write software applications and web sites that run in a web browser.
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