Discover how easy it is to design killer interfaces and responsive websites with the Bootstrap framework. This practical book gets you started building pages with Bootstrap's HTML/CSS-based tools and design templates right away. You'll also learn how to extend your app with interactive features, using its suite of jQuery plugins - often without writing a single line of code. Developed by Twitter and available free from GitHub, Bootstrap supports responsive design by dynamically adjusting your web page layout. With just a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can build apps that work equally well on desktop screens, smartphones, and tablets. This book shows you how. Become familiar with Bootstrap's file structure, grid systems, and container layouts Learn HTML elements for typography, code, tables, forms, buttons, images, and icons Design interfaces and other web elements, such as navigation, breadcrumbs, and custom modal windows Use jQuery plugins for features such as revolving slideshows, tabbable interfaces, and dropdown menus Modify everything from column count to typography colors with the LESS stylesheet language
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