Build a django content management system, blog, and social networking site with James Bennett as he introduces the popular Django framework. You'll work through the development of each project, implementing and running the applications while learning new features along the way. Web frameworks are playing a major role in the creation of today's most compelling web applications, because they automate many of the tedious tasks, allowing developers to instead focus on providing users with creative and powerful features. Python developers have been particularly fortunate in this area, having been able to take advantage of Django, a very popular open source web framework whose stated goal is to "make it easier to build better web applications more quickly with less code." Practical Django Projects is the first book to introduce this popular framework by way of a series of real-world projects. What you'll learn Capitalize upon Django's well-defined framework architecture to build web applications faster than ever before. Learn by doing by working through the creation of three real-world projects, including a content management system, blog, and social networking site. Build user-friendly web sites with well-structured URLs, session tracking, and syndication options. Let Django handle tedious tasks such as database interaction while you focus on building compelling applications. Who is this book for? Web developers seeking to use the powerful Django framework to build powerful web sites. Related Titles The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional
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