作者:《Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics》书籍
出版社:The MIT Press
This textbook takes an innovative approach to the teaching of classical mechanics, emphasizing the development of general but practical intellectual tools to support the analysis of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. The development is organized around a progressively more sophisticated analysis of particular natural systems and weaves examples throughout the presentation. Explorations of phenomena such as transitions to chaos, nonlinear resonances, and resonance overlap to help the student to develop appropriate analytic tools for understanding. Computational algorithms communicate methods used in the analysis of dynamical phenomena. Expressing the methods of mechanics in a computer language forces them to be unambiguous and computationally effective. Once formalized as a procedure, a mathematical idea also becomes a tool that can be used directly to compute results.The student actively explores the motion of systems through computer simulation and experiment. This active exploration is extended to the mathematics. The requirement that the computer be able to interpret any expression provides strict and immediate feedback as to whether an expression is correctly formulated. The interaction with the computer uncovers and corrects many deficiencies in understanding.
1 Lagrangian Mechanics
1.1 The Principle of Stationary Action
Experience of motion
Realizable paths
1.2 Configuration Spaces
1.3 Generalized Coordinates
Lagrangians in generalized coordinates
1.4 Computing Actions
Paths of minimum action
Finding trajectories that minimize the action
1.5 The Euler-Lagrange Equations
Lagrange equations
1.5.1 Derivation of the Lagrange Equations
Varying a path
Varying the action
Harmonic oscillator
Orbital motion
1.5.2 Computing Lagrange's Equations
The free particle
The harmonic oscillator
1.6 How to Find Lagrangians
Hamilton's principle
Constant acceleration
Central force field
1.6.1 Coordinate Transformations
1.6.2 Systems with Rigid Constraints
Lagrangians for rigidly constrained systems
A pendulum driven at the pivot
Why it works
More generally
1.6.3 Constraints as Coordinate Transformations
1.6.4 The Lagrangian Is Not Unique
Total time derivatives
Adding total time derivatives to Lagrangians
Identification of total time derivatives
1.7 Evolution of Dynamical State
Numerical integration
1.8 Conserved Quantities
1.8.1 Conserved Momenta
Examples of conserved momenta
1.8.2 Energy Conservation
Energy in terms of kinetic and potential energies
1.8.3 Central Forces in Three Dimensions
1.8.4 Noether's Theorem
Illustration: motion in a central potential
1.9 Abstraction of Path Functions
Lagrange equations at a moment
1.10 Constrained Motion
1.10.1 Coordinate Constraints
Now watch this
The pendulum using constraints
Building systems from parts
1.10.2 Derivative Constraints
Goldstein's hoop
1.10.3 Nonholonomic Systems
1.11 Summary
1.12 Projects
2 Rigid Bodies
2.1 Rotational Kinetic Energy
2.2 Kinematics of Rotation
2.3 Moments of Inertia
2.4 Inertia Tensor
2.5 Principal Moments of Inertia
2.6 Representation of the Angular Velocity Vector
Implementation of angular velocity functions
2.7 Euler Angles
2.8 Vector Angular Momentum
2.9 Motion of a Free Rigid Body
Conserved quantities
2.9.1 Computing the Motion of Free Rigid Bodies
2.9.2 Qualitative Features of Free Rigid Body Motion
2.10 Axisymmetric Tops
2.11 Spin-Orbit Coupling
2.11.1 Development of the Potential Energy
2.11.2 Rotation of the Moon and Hyperion
2.12 Euler's Equations
Euler's equations for forced rigid bodies
2.13 Nonsingular Generalized Coordinates
A practical matter
Composition of rotations
2.14 Summary
2.15 Projects
3 Hamiltonian Mechanics
3.1 Hamilton's Equations
Hamiltonian state
Computing Hamilton's equations
3.1.1 The Legendre Transformation
Legendre transformations with passive arguments
Hamilton's equations from the Legendre transformation
Legendre transforms of quadratic functions
Computing Hamiltonians
3.1.2 Hamilton's Equations from the Action Principle
3.1.3 A Wiring Diagram
3.2 Poisson Brackets
Properties of the Poisson bracket
Poisson brackets of conserved quantities
3.3 One Degree of Freedom
3.4 Phase Space Reduction
Motion in a central potential
Axisymmetric top
3.4.1 Lagrangian Reduction
3.5 Phase Space Evolution
3.5.1 Phase-Space Description Is Not Unique
3.6 Surfaces of Section
3.6.1 Periodically Driven Systems
3.6.2 Computing Stroboscopic Surfaces of Section
3.6.3 Autonomous Systems
Hénon-Heiles background
The system of Hénon and Heiles
3.6.4 Computing Hénon-Heiles Surfaces of Section
3.6.5 Non-Axisymmetric Top
3.7 Exponential Divergence
3.8 Liouville's Theorem
The phase flow for the pendulum
Proof of Liouville's theorem
Area preservation of stroboscopic surfaces of section
Poincaré recurrence
The gas in the corner of the room
Nonexistence of attractors in Hamiltonian systems
Conservation of phase volume in a dissipative system
Distribution functions
3.9 Standard Map
3.10 Summary
3.11 Projects
4 Phase Space Structure
4.1 Emergence of the Divided Phase Space
Driven pendulum sections with zero drive
Driven pendulum sections for small drive
4.2 Linear Stability
4.2.1 Equilibria of Differential Equations
4.2.2 Fixed Points of Maps
4.2.3 Relations Among Exponents
Hamiltonian specialization
Linear and nonlinear stability
4.3 Homoclinic Tangle
4.3.1 Computation of Stable and Unstable Manifolds
4.4 Integrable Systems
Orbit types in integrable systems
Surfaces of section for integrable systems
4.5 Poincaré-Birkhoff Theorem
4.5.1 Computing the Poincaré-Birkhoff Construction
4.6 Invariant Curves
4.6.1 Finding Invariant Curves
4.6.2 Dissolution of Invariant Curves
4.7 Summary
4.8 Projects
5 Canonical Transformations
5.1 Point Transformations
Implementing point transformations
5.2 General Canonical Transformations
5.2.1 Time-Independent Canonical Transformations
Harmonic oscillator
5.2.2 Symplectic Transformations
5.2.3 Time-Dependent Transformations
Rotating coordinates
5.2.4 The Symplectic Condition
5.3 Invariants of Canonical Transformations
Noninvariance of p v
Invariance of Poisson brackets
Volume preservation
A bilinear form preserved by symplectic transformations
Poincaré integral invariants
5.4 Extended Phase Space
Restricted three-body problem
5.4.1 Poincaré-Cartan Integral Invariant
5.5 Reduced Phase Space
Orbits in a central field
5.6 Generating Functions
The polar-canonical transformation
5.6.1 F1 Generates Canonical Transformations
5.6.2 Generating Functions and Integral Invariants
Generating functions of type F1
Generating functions of type F2
Relationship between F1 and F2
5.6.3 Types of Generating Functions
Generating functions in extended phase space
5.6.4 Point Transformations
Polar and rectangular coordinates
Rotating coordinates
Two-body problem
Epicyclic motion
5.6.5 Classical ``Gauge'' Transformations
5.7 Time Evolution Is Canonical
Liouville's theorem, again
Another time-evolution transformation
5.7.1 Another View of Time Evolution
Area preservation of surfaces of section
5.7.2 Yet Another View of Time Evolution
5.8 Hamilton-Jacobi Equation
5.8.1 Harmonic Oscillator
5.8.2 Kepler Problem
5.8.3 F2 and the Lagrangian
5.8.4 The Action Generates Time Evolution
5.9 Lie Transforms
Lie transforms of functions
Simple Lie transforms
5.10 Lie Series
Computing Lie series
5.11 Exponential Identities
5.12 Summary
5.13 Projects
6 Canonical Perturbation Theory
6.1 Perturbation Theory with Lie Series
6.2 Pendulum as a Perturbed Rotor
6.2.1 Higher Order
6.2.2 Eliminating Secular Terms
6.3 Many Degrees of Freedom
6.3.1 Driven Pendulum as a Perturbed Rotor
6.4 Nonlinear Resonance
6.4.1 Pendulum Approximation
Driven pendulum resonances
6.4.2 Reading the Hamiltonian
6.4.3 Resonance-Overlap Criterion
6.4.4 Higher-Order Perturbation Theory
6.4.5 Stability of the Inverted Vertical Equilibrium
6.5 Summary
6.6 Projects
7 Appendix: Scheme
Procedure calls
Lambda expressions
Recursive procedures
Local names
Compound data -- lists and vectors
8 Appendix: Our Notation
Symbolic values
Derivatives of functions of multiple arguments
Structured results
List of Exercises
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