Erlang is the language of choice for programmers who want to write robust, concurrent applications, but its strange syntax and functional design can intimidate the uninitiated. Luckily, there's a new weapon in the battle against Erlang-phobia: Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! Erlang maestro Fred Hebert starts slow and eases you into the basics: You'll learn about Erlang's unorthodox syntax, its data structures, its type system (or lack thereof!), and basic functional programming techniques. Once you've wrapped your head around the simple stuff, you'll tackle the real meat-and-potatoes of the language: concurrency, distributed computing, hot code loading, and all the other dark magic that makes Erlang such a hot topic among today's savvy developers. As you dive into Erlang's functional fantasy world, you'll learn about: * Testing your applications with EUnit and Common Test * Building and releasing your applications with the OTP framework * Passing messages, raising errors, and starting/stopping processes over many nodes * Storing and retrieving data using Mnesia and ETS * Network programming with TCP, UDP, and the inet module * The simple joys and potential pitfalls of writing distributed, concurrent applications Packed with lighthearted illustrations and just the right mix of offbeat and practical example programs, Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! is the perfect entry point into the sometimes-crazy, always-thrilling world of Erlang.
射频功放非线性建模分析与预失真算法研究 本书特色 本书是著者及所带领团队近10年来在射频功放建模(包括神经Volterra级数建模,神经网络建模,X参数建模),...
C语言程序设计基础教程 内容简介 本书内容包括:C语言基本知识、数据类型、运算符与表达式、语句和程序结构、数组、编译预处理、函数、指针、结构体和共用体、文件。C...