The ultimate guide to the cell phone, the ubiquitous and indispensable pocket-sized gadget that has changed forever the way we live.
This is the first book to celebrate the cell phone phenomenon. It not only gives an insider's view of the design and feel of handsets and interfaces, but also highlights those little (and sometimes not so little) differences in how our favorite invention is used around the world. The perfect mix of information and entertainment, it explains everything from how Japanese schoolgirls set global trends to why text messaging is big news during Ramadan, to the popularity of push-to-talk in the United States.
Phone Book examines how different generations use cell phones and how and why they have become fashion items. It covers the history of the development of handset design; the fifty most influential designs; predictions for the future that have turned out to be right (and wrong); and the influence that cell phones have on other products. And there are in-depth case studies of leading brands, including Nokia, Samsung, SonyEricsson, Vertu, and Motorola, as well as the lowdown on technologies such as camera phones, texting, connectivity, and 3G.
Features include:
• Over 500 color illustrations
• Glossary
• Texting dictionary
• Directory of online resources
• Special padded binding
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