作者:《iPhone Book, The: How to Do the Things You Want to Do with Your iPhone》书籍
出版社:Peachpit Press
出版年:August 13, 2007
{ Book Description }
There are basically two types of iPhone books out there: (1) The “Tell-me-all-about-it” kind, which includes in-depth discussions on everything from wireless network protocols to advanced compression codes. (2) Then there’s this book, which instead is a “show-me-how-to-do-it” book, that skips all the confusing techno-jargon and just tells you, in plain simple English, exactly how to use the iPhone features you want to use most.
The iPhone Book is from Scott Kelby, the award-winning author of the smash bestseller, The iPod Book, who takes that same highly-acclaimed, casual, straight-to-the-point concept and layout and brings it to learning Apple’s amazing iPhone. Scott teams up once again with gadget guru, and leading iPhone authority, Terry White to put together a book that is an awful lot like the iPhone itself—simple to use and fun to learn. The book’s layout is brilliant, with each page covering just one single topic, so finding the information you need is quick and easy, with a large full-color photo on each page so you can see exactly how it works.
You’ll quickly learn how to use the most useful and most requested iPhone features so you can start having fun, and start really using your iPhone today—right now! If you’re ready to learn “just the funk and not the junk,” it’s all here—in the only book of its kind—and you’re going to love it.
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