An internationally acclaimed neuroscientist and author presents a bold new theory about how our minds are made Celebrated neuroscientist and critically acclaimed science author, Susan A. Greenfield reveals why emotions are the very foundation upon which brains build unique minds out of individuals' life experiences. Dr. Greenfield affords readers a brain-scientist's-eye-view of the intricate dance of emotions and cognitive abilities that gives rise to consciousness and creates the unique sense of self that we all feel. Along the way, she also provides fascinating answers to such riddles as "How do brains think?" "How do anatomically identical brains give rise to unique selves?", and "Why do some drugs make us ecstatic while other make us miserable?" Susan A. Greenfield, PhD (London, UK), is Director of the Royal Institution, which was established by the British Crown to promote the public communication of science. She is also a Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford University, where she runs conducts research into synaptic pharmacology, and into the causes of Alzheimer's disease. She was the first woman to be invited to give the prestigious Royal Institution Christmas Lecture that is broadcast live every year on the BBC.
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