It’s the little things that turn a good digital product into a great one. With this full color practical book, you’ll learn how to design effective microinteractions: the small details that exist inside and around features. How can users change a setting? How do they turn on mute, or know they have a new email message?
Through vivid, real-world examples from today’s devices and applications, author Dan Saffer walks you through a microinteraction’s essential parts, then shows you how to use them in a mobile app, a web widget, and an appliance. You’ll quickly discover how microinteractions can change a product from one that’s tolerated into one that’s treasured.
Explore a microinteraction’s structure: triggers, rules, feedback, modes, and loops
Learn the types of triggers that initiate a microinteraction
Create simple rules that define how your microinteraction can be used
Help users understand the rules with feedback, using graphics, sounds, and vibrations
Use modes to let users set preferences or modify a microinteraction
Extend a microinteraction’s life with loops, such as “Get data every 30 seconds”
Chapter 1 Designing Microinteractions
Microinteractions Are Not Features ... But Still Matter
The Secret History of Microinteractions
The Structure of Microinteractions
Microinteractions as a Philosophy
Chapter 2 Triggers
Manual Triggers
System Triggers
Chapter 3 Rules
Designing Rules
Limited Options and Smart Defaults
Chapter 4 Feedback
Feedback Illuminates the Rules
Feedback as a Personality-Delivery Mechanism
Feedback Methods
Feedback Rules
Chapter 5 Loops and Modes
Chapter 6 Putting It All Together
Example 1: Mobile App
Example 2: Online Shared Playlist
Example 3: Dishwasher Control Panel
Prototyping and Documenting Microinteractions
Orchestrating Microinteractions
Think Small
Appendix Testing Microinteractions
What to Look for During Testing
Using Quantitative Data
A Process for Testing Microinteractions
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