To understand Web design it is critical to understand design first and technology second.
What is Web Design? develops design principles that will be as relevant to future technological developments as they are today. While Web design is the most celebrated area of design it draws on many other areas, and by putting it in context this book makes Web design easier to understand. Technical platforms are lucidly discussed and illustrated, and the component elements of Web design are explained and contextualised.
What is Web Design? Looks objectively at the relationship between the designer, the client and the other people whose skills and input are key to the design process, and stresses the need for designers to understand and collaborate with these partners in the pursuit of a common goal. A good idea is only as good as its final implementation and getting to this point requires mastering many processes. What is Web Design? establishes basic principles and a step-by-step approach that will increase the chances of a project being successful.
The book concludes by telling the stories of ten design projects from the perspectives of the people involved in their commissioning, designing and engineering. Among the material includes are idea maps, sketches, flow charts, wireframes, design treatments, design ideas in development (and those that were rejected. Work by Trilogy, MetaDeign, Cooper, Visual I|O, Xymbio, Contempt and Organic.
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