Ready to explore the glamourous world of wireless sensor networking? Create distributed sensor systems and intelligent interactive devices using the XBee radios with ZigBee wireless networking protocol. With this fast-paced, hands-on guide, you’ll have built a series of useful projects by the time you’re halfway through the book, including a complete ZigBee wireless network that delivers remotely sensed data.
Radio networking is creating revolutions in volcano monitoring, performance art, clean energy, and consumer electronics. By following the examples in each chapter, you’ll learn how to tackle inspiring projects of your own. This resource- and reference-packed book is perfect for inventors, hackers, crafters, students, hobbyists, and scientists.
Investigate an assortment of practical and intriguing project ideas
Get an extensive shopping list for all the parts and programs you’ll need to prep your ZigBee toolbox
Create a simple, working ZigBee network using XBee radios in less than two hours and for under $100
Use the Arduino open source electronics prototyping platform to build a series of increasingly complex projects
Become familiar with XBee’s API mode for building sensor networks
Build full-scalable sensing and actuation systems with inexpensive components
Learn about power management, source routing and other XBee technical nuances.
Make gateways that connect with neighboring networks, including the Internet
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