Welcome to the Vision Revolution. With Microsoft's Kinect leading the way, you can now use 3D computer vision technology to build digital 3D models of people and objects that you can manipulate with gestures and spoken commands. This hands-on guide provides all the technical and conceptual information you need to build cool applications for Kinect, using the Processing programming language and the Arduino microcontroller. Whether you're a student, hobbyist, maker, gamer, or hardware hacker, Making Things See gets you running with several Kinect projects, and gives you the skills and experience you need to build your own fun and creative projects with this magical 3D computer vision technology. Unlock your ability to build interactive applications with Kinect. * Learn about face recognition, gait analysis, and depth imaging * Analyze and manipulate point clouds * Track people with skeletonization and pose detection, and use blob tracking to detect objects * Use gestural interfaces for assistive technology * Create models for design and fabrication, using 3D scanning technology and a 3D printer * Delve into motion tracking for animation and games * Build every project in this book with inexpensive off-the-shelf components
《价值》内容简介:高瓴创始人兼首席执行官张磊首部力作,沉淀15年,张磊的投资思想首度全面公开 全书共3个部分10个章节,介绍了张