Glassner Andrew《Processing for Visual Artists》

Glassner Andrew《Processing for Visual Artists》

作者:Glassner Andrew


出版年:April 15, 2010






Product Description

Learn how to create gorgeous and expressive imagery with the Processing programming language and environment. It's easy with this practical, hands-on book. Processing is an accessible language even to non-programmers, including artists, designers, researchers, hobbyists, or anyone else looking to create images, animation, and interactions. With Processing for Visual Artists, you'll be introduced to basic programming techniques as a means to create vivid computer-generated images.

Walk with veteran author Andrew Glassner on a journey of shared discovery as he takes actual Processing projects from inspiration to reality. You'll closely follow every step he takes and see exactly how each project evolves, including big and small mistakes he's made along the way (and how to fix them!), and the times when he changed direction. Once you see the results, you'll understand why programming is such a powerful skill for self-expression. And you'll be ready to strike off on your own.

