Accomplished authors, Preece, Rogers and Sharp, have written a key new textbook on this core subject area. Interaction Design deals with a broad scope of issues, topics and paradigms that has traditionally been the scope of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Interaction Design (ID). The book covers psychological and social aspects of users, interaction styles, user requirements, design approaches, usability and evaluation, traditional and future interface paradigms and the role of theory in informing design. The topics will be grounded in the design process and the aim is to present relevant issues in an integrated and coherent way, rather than assembling a collection of chapters on individual HCI topics.
* This truly integrated approach to HCI provides students with background information from psychology, sociology, anthropology, information systems and computer science
* Provides principles and skills for designing any technology through the use of many interesting and state of the art examples
* The author supported, highly interactive Web Site provides resources that allow students to collaborate on experiments, participate in design competitions, collaborate on design, find resources and communicate with others
* The accompanying Web Site also features examples, step-by-step exercises and templates for questionnaires
1. What is interaction design?
Interview with Gitta Saloman
2. Understanding and conceptualizing interaction
Interview with Terry Winograd
3. Understanding users
4. Understanding and designing for collaboration and communication
Interview with Abigail Sellen
5. Understanding how interfaces affect users
6. The process of interaction design
Interview with Gillian Crampton Smith
7. Identifying needs and establishing requirements
Interview with Suzanne Robertson
8. Design, prototyping and construction
9. User-centered approaches to interaction design
Interview with Karen Holtzblatt
10. Introducing evaluation
11. A framework for evaluation
12. Observing users
Interview with Sara Bly
13. Asking users and experts
Interview with Jakob Nielsen
14. Testing and modeling users
Interview with Ben Shneiderman
15. Doing design and evaluation in the real world: communicators and advisory systems
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