With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author's raw and unedited content as he or she writes—so you can take advantage of these technologies long before the official release of these titles. You'll also receive updates when significant changes are made, new chapters are available, and the final ebook bundle is released.
Every designer has had to justify designs to non-designers, yet most lack the ability to explain themselves in a way that is compelling and fosters agreement. The ability to effectively articulate design decisions is critical to the success of a project, because the most articulate person often wins. This practical book provides principles, tactics, and actionable methods for talking about designs with executives, managers, developers, marketers, and other stakeholders who have influence over the project with the goal of winning them over and creating the best user experience.
Chapter 1: A Maturing Industry
Chapter 2: Great Designers are Great Communicators
Chapter 3: Understanding Relationships
Chapter 4: Reducing Cognitive Load
Chapter 5: Listening is Understanding
Chapter 6: The Right Frame of Mind
Chapter 7: The Response: Strategy and Tactics
Chapter 8: The Response: Common Messages
Chapter 9: The Ideal Response: Getting Agreement
Chapter 10: Meeting Adjourned: The After-Party
Chapter 11: Recovering from Disaster
Chapter 12: For Non-Designers
Chapter 13: Designing for Vision
电脑维修与技巧888问 内容简介 电脑已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。虽然大家都在使用电脑,但不是每个人都能够使用得得心应手,当电脑出故障时,许多人就束手无...
嵌入式Linux系统开发全程解析 本书特色 《嵌入式linux系统开发全程解析》是一本全面介绍嵌入式linux开发的专著,书中涵盖了程序生成工具、调试工具、引导...
21天精通SEO-网站流量快速提升实战攻略-(附赠光盘) 本书特色 本书由22章组成,融入了系统学习seo的完整过程,内容共分为7篇,分别是seo**知识入门篇...
LATEX 入门 本书特色 LATEX肇始于20世纪80年代初,也是LeslieLamport博士为了编写他自己的一部书籍而设计的。LATEX实际上就是用TEX...