The new era of Gamification and Human-Focused Design optimizes for motivation and engagement over traditional Function-Focused Design. Within the industry, studies on game mechanics and behavioral psychology have become proliferate. However, few people understand how to merge the two fields into experience designs that reliably increases business metrics and generates a return on investment. Gamification Pioneer Yu-kai Chou takes reader on a journey to learn his twelve years of obsessive research in creating the Octalysis Framework, and how to apply the framework to create engaging and successful experiences in their product, workplace, marketing, and personal lives.
"Yu-kai is at the cutting edge of the field of behavior design."
-Nir Eyal, Best Selling Author of Hooked: How to Design Habit-Forming Products
"Yu-kai's Octalysis framework brilliantly explains the intricate relationships between human behaviors and their inner drives. Accompanied by numerous application examples, Octalysis is the turnkey for gamification in any product and service design."
-Dr. Jianming Dong, Chief User Experience Architect, Huawei
Yu-Kai is the real deal. His experience, expertise and passion make this a must read for those looking to grasp the possibilities available through applied gamification.
--Jeff Gates, former counsel to U.S. Senate Committee on Finance and author of The Ownership Solution, Democracy at Risk, Guilt By Association.
Yu-kai's Insights were instrumental in helping Lucky Diem supercharge our client La Quinta's bookings per user by 206% and incremental revenue per user by $157 (132% Lift) against the control group. Being able to achieve a viral coefficient of 530%, I would recommend any business to work with Yu-kai and learn his Octalysis Framework.
--Andrew Landis, Founder & CEO of Lucky Diem
Yu-kai's reputation precedes him in the field of gamification. His Octalysis framework is both elegantly simple and intricately complex. His book is not only extrinsically rewarding to read, but intrinsically motivating to apply; it s wickedly effective, and yet divinely true. Octalysis brilliantly unified all these seemingly conflicting aspects of gamification into a single cohesive framework with a hidden twist in the middle of it it s sensational.
--Michael Wu, Chief Scientist of Lithium
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