Create your own robots, toys, remote controllers, alarms, detectors, and more with the Arduino device. This simple microcontroller has become popular with artists, designers, students, engineers, and hobbyists for building a variety of objects and prototypes that interact with the physical world. You too can dive right in and experiment with tips and techniques from the Arduino Cookbook . The recipes in this book provide solutions for most common problems and questions Arduino users have, including everything from programming fundamentals to working with sensors, motors, lights, and sound, to communicating over wired and wireless networks. No matter what your skill level, you'll find the examples and advice you need to begin, expand, and enhance your projects right away. Explore recipes for Arduino beginners Understand the core elements of the Arduino programming language Get simple and practical examples for using popular input devices and sensors Use common output devices for light, motion, and sound Learn techniques for handling time delays and time measurement Create more complex projects with multi-board applications Learn how to build and use web clients and servers Use and modify existing Arduino libraries, and learn how to create your own
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