If you're new to the Android mobile operating system, Learning Android is the perfect way to master the fundamentals. Written by an expert who's taught Android to thousands of people in large organizations, this gentle introduction shows you how to use Android's basic building blocks to develop user interfaces, store data, and more. You'll learn by building an example application throughout the course of book, adding new features with each chapter. Along the way, you'll also build your own toolbox of code patterns that will help you program any type of Android application with ease. Get an overview of the Android platform, and how this technology fits into the mobile ecosystem Set up your Android development environment and get started with simple programs Learn about Activities, Intents, Services, Broadcast Receivers, and Content Providers Build basic Android user interfaces, and learn about Views and Layouts Create a Service to update data in your example application Learn how Android supports databases by creating a SQL database opener Test your application and publish it to the Android Market
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire3.0高级实例1CD 内容简介 本书在循序渐进的教学中,通过精选的实际产品案例讲解了Pro/ENGINEER Wild...
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