CJKV Information Processing, the unsurpassed source of information on processing text in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese, has been thoroughly updated to provide web and application developers with the latest techniques and tools for disseminating information directly to audiences in East Asia. This second edition reflects the considerable impact that Unicode, XML, OpenType, and other modern technologies have had on East Asian text processing in recent years.
Full Description
First published a decade ago, CJKV Information Processing quickly became the unsurpassed source of information on processing text in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese. It has now been thoroughly updated to provide web and application developers with the latest techniques and tools for disseminating information directly to audiences in East Asia. This second edition reflects the considerable impact that Unicode, XML, OpenType, and newer operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS X, and Linux have had on East Asian text processing in recent years.
Written by its original author, Ken Lunde, a Senior Computer Scientist in CJKV Type Development at Adobe Systems, this book will help you:
Learn about CJKV writing systems and scripts, and their transliteration methods
Explore trends and developments in character sets and encodings, particularly Unicode
Examine the world of typography, specifically how CJKV text is laid out on a page
Learn information-processing techniques, such as code conversion algorithms and how to apply them using different programming languages
Process CJKV text using different platforms, text editors, and word processors
Become more informed about CJKV dictionaries, dictionary software, and machine translation software and services
Manage CJKV content and presentation when publishing in print or for the Web
Internationalizing and localizing applications is paramount in today's global market -- especially for audiences in East Asia, the fastest-growing segment of the computing world. CJKV Information Processing will help you understand how to develop web and other applications effectively in a field that many find difficult to master.
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