This thoroughly updated edition of The Scheme Programming Language provides an introduction to Scheme and a definitive reference for standard Scheme, presented in a clear and concise manner. Written for professionals and students with some prior programming experience, it begins by leading the programmer gently through the basics of Scheme and continues with an introduction to some of the more advanced features of the language. Many exercises are presented to help reinforce the lessons learned, and answers to the exercises are given in a new appendix. Most of the remaining chapters are dedicated to the reference material, which describes in detail the standard features of Scheme included in the Revised Report on Scheme and the ANSI/IEEE standard for Scheme. Numerous examples are presented throughout the introductory and reference portions of the text, and a unique set of extended example programs and applications, with additional exercises, are presented in the final chapter. Reinforcing the book's utility as a reference text are appendixes that present the formal syntax of Scheme, a summary of standard forms and procedures, and a bibliography of Scheme resources. The Scheme Programming Language stands alone as an introduction to and essential reference for Scheme programmers. It is also useful as a supplementary text for any course that uses Scheme. The Scheme Programming Language is illustrated by artist Jean-Pierre Hebert, who writes Scheme programs to extend his ability to create sophisticated works of digital art.
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