The Linux Programming Interface describes the Linux API (application programming interface)-the system calls, library functions, and other low-level interfaces that are used, directly or indirectly, by every program that runs on Linux. Programs that explicitly use these interfaces are commonly called system programs, and include applications such as shells, editors, windowing systems, terminal emulators, file managers, compilers, database management systems, virtual machines, network servers, and much of the other software that is employed on a daily basis on Linux systems. Extensively indexed and heavily cross-referenced, The Linux Programming Interface is both an introductory guide for readers new to the topic of system programming, and a comprehensive reference for experienced system programmers. Although this book goes into detail on a wealth of Linux-specific features, it gives careful attention to contemporary Unix programming standards and to portability issues.
《Windows Server 2012网络操作系统企业应用案例详解》内容简介:本书以Windows Server 2012 R2为核心平台,采用教、学、做相结...
用AngularJS开发下一代Web应用 本书特色 我们都希望开发更小型、更轻量的Web应用,让创建应用更加容易,并且当项目变大时仍然易于测试、扩展和维护。这本...
Excel 2013数据透视表完全掌控-(含光盘1张) 本书特色 本书以excel中的数据透视表这一功能为核心,详细地介绍了excel 2013数据透视表的用法...