Bitcoin is starting to come into its own as a digital currency, but the blockchain technology behind it could prove to be much more significant. This book takes you beyond the currency ("Blockchain 1.0") and smart contracts ("Blockchain 2.0") to demonstrate how the blockchain is in position to become the fifth disruptive computing paradigm after mainframes, PCs, the Internet, and mobile/social networking.
Author Melanie Swan, Founder of the Institute for Blockchain Studies, explains that the blockchain is essentially a public ledger with potential as a worldwide, decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of all assets—not just finances, but property and intangible assets such as votes, software, health data, and ideas.
Topics include:
* Concepts, features, and functionality of Bitcoin and the blockchain
* Using the blockchain for automated tracking of all digital endeavors
* Enabling censorship?resistant organizational models
* Creating a decentralized digital repository to verify identity
* Possibility of cheaper, more efficient services traditionally provided by nations
* Blockchain for science: making better use of the data-mining network
* Personal health record storage, including access to one’s own genomic data
* Open access academic publishing on the blockchain
This book is part of an ongoing O’Reilly series. Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Crypto-Currencies introduces Bitcoin and describes the technology behind Bitcoin and the blockchain. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy considers theoretical, philosophical, and societal impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.
Chapter 1
Blockchain 1.0: Currency
Technology Stack: Blockchain, Protocol, Currency
The Double-Spend and Byzantine Generals’ Computing Problems
How a Cryptocurrency Works
Summary: Blockchain 1.0 in Practical Use
Chapter 2
Blockchain 2.0: Contracts
Financial Services
Bitcoin Prediction Markets
Smart Property
Smart Contracts
Blockchain 2.0 Protocol Projects
Wallet Development Projects
Blockchain Development Platforms and APIs
Blockchain Ecosystem: Decentralized Storage, Communication, and Computation
Ethereum: Turing-Complete Virtual Machine
Dapps, DAOs, DACs, and DASs: Increasingly Autonomous Smart Contracts
The Blockchain as a Path to Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 3
Blockchain 3.0: Justice Applications Beyond Currency, Economics, and Markets
Blockchain Technology Is a New and Highly Effective Model for Organizing Activity
Distributed Censorship-Resistant Organizational Models
Namecoin: Decentralized Domain Name System
Digital Identity Verification
Digital Art: Blockchain Attestation Services (Notary, Intellectual Property Protection)
Blockchain Government
Chapter 4
Blockchain 3.0: Efficiency and Coordination Applications Beyond Currency, Economics, and Markets
Blockchain Science: Gridcoin, Foldingcoin
Blockchain Genomics
Blockchain Health
Blockchain Learning: Bitcoin MOOCs and Smart Contract Literacy
Blockchain Academic Publishing: Journalcoin
The Blockchain Is Not for Every Situation
Centralization-Decentralization Tension and Equilibrium
Chapter 5
Advanced Concepts
Terminology and Concepts
Currency, Token, Tokenizing
Currency Multiplicity: Monetary and Nonmonetary Currencies
Demurrage Currencies: Potentially Incitory and Redistributable
Chapter 6
Technical Challenges
Business Model Challenges
Scandals and Public Perception
Government Regulation
Privacy Challenges for Personal Records
Overall: Decentralization Trends Likely to Persist
Chapter 7
The Blockchain Is an Information Technology
Cryptocurrency Basics
Public/Private-Key Cryptography 101
Ledra Capital Mega Master Blockchain List
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