作者:AlbertLászló Barabási
出版社:Cambridge University Press
Networks are everywhere, from the Internet, to social networks, and the genetic networks that determine our biological existence. Illustrated throughout in full colour, this pioneering textbook, spanning a wide range of topics from physics to computer science, engineering, economics and the social sciences, introduces network science to an interdisciplinary audience. From the origins of the six degrees of separation to explaining why networks are robust to random failures, the author explores how viruses like Ebola and H1N1 spread, and why it is that our friends have more friends than we do. Using numerous real-world examples, this innovatively designed text includes clear delineation between undergraduate and graduate level material. The mathematical formulas and derivations are included within Advanced Topics sections, enabling use at a range of levels. Extensive online resources, including films and software for network analysis, make this a multifaceted companion for anyone with an interest in network science.
Uses an interdisciplinary perspective with examples from across scientific and social science fields making it accessible to students of various subjects
Supported by a fully interactive online version with numerous multimedia resources to assist students in their learning
The first textbook of its kind in a rapidly expanding field
Personal introduction
1. Introduction
2. Graph theory
3. Random networks
4. The scale-free property
5. The Barabási–Albert model
6. Evolving networks
7. Degree correlation
8. Network robustness
9. Communities
10. Spreading phenomena
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