What triggers fascination, and how do companies, people, and ideas put those triggers to use? Why are you captivated by some people but not by others? Why do you recall some brands yet forget the rest? In a distracted, overcrowded world, how do certain leaders, friends, and family members convince you to change your behavior? Fascination: the most powerful way to influence decision making. It's more persuasive than marketing, advertising, or any other form of communication. And it all starts with seven universal triggers: lust, mystique, alarm, prestige, power, vice, and trust. Fascination plays a role in every type of decision making, from the brands you choose to the songs you remember, from the person you marry to the employees you hire. And by activating the right triggers, you can make anything become fascinating. To explore and explain fascination's irresistible influence, Sally Hogshead looks beyond marketing, delving into behavioral and social studies, historical precedents, neurobiology and evolutionary anthropology, as well as conducting in-depth interviews and a national study of a thousand consumers, to emerge with deeply rooted patterns for why, and how, we become captivated. Hogshead reveals why the Salem witch trials began with the same fixations as those in Sex and the City . How Olympic athletes are subject to obsessions similar to those of fetishists. How a 1636 frenzy over Dutch tulip bulbs perfectly mirrors the 2006 real estate bubble. And why a billion-dollar "Just Say No" program actually increased drug use among teens, by activating the same "forbidden fruit" syndrome as a Victoria's Secret catalog. Whether you realize it or not, you're already using the seven triggers. The question is, are you using the right triggers, in the right way, to get your desired result? This book will show you.
后街金融-中国的私营企业主 本书特色 《政治与社会译丛·后街金融:中国的私营企业主》是有关中国非正规经济背后金融交易的资料*丰富的一项研究,展示了该问题的全部人...
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麦克·罗奇格西(Geshe Michael Roach):毕业于普林斯顿大学。在位于印度的赛拉梅西藏寺院(Sera Mey Tibetan Monastery)...
晋商成败的66个细节 本书特色 *负盛名的中国商帮,剖析晋商之兴衰成败!晋商是明清之际*负盛名的全国性商帮。那么,辉煌五百年晋商是如何上步步走向巅峰,又是如何*...
会计学原理(对外经济贸易大学远程教育系列教材) 目录 **章 总论 1**节 会计的基本概念 2第二节 会计对象与会计要素 3第三节 会计假设和会计信息质量要求...
看电影学经商 本书特色 透彻解析经典影片中的商业智慧,另类视角解读商业核心本质。看电影学经商 内容简介 这些经典影片中都蕴含着深刻的经商道理。作者透彻解读影片细...
融资融券操作宝典 目录 第1章 融资融券综述1.什么是信用交易?2.股票信用交易有何特点?3.信用交易对投资者有何机遇及风险?4.什么是融资融券交易?它有何特点...
互联网时代的企业新思维 内容简介 传统企业的每一个角落都因为有互联网思维的新产品出现被逐渐打破规则,摆在任何人面前的都是几个相同的问题:我是否是可以被颠覆的?我...
目标市场 本书特色 为了在竞争的世界中求得生存,确定您的关键目标市场(细分市场),并集中运用公司有限的资源*有效地服务于该市场是至关重要的。通过学习本书,您将能...
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