The True Life Story and Time-Tested Strategies of the Worlds Greatest Trader "Excellent read! Captures the spirit and times of Jesse Livermore, legendary trader. The book tracks two major market crashes, love affairs, the shooting of Jesse Jr. by his mother, and two family suicides. . . . Never a dull moment." Ace Greenberg, Chairman, Bear Stearns "Terrific. I started reading it when we took off from Seouls Kimbo Airport on my way to Germany. By the time we reached Novosibirsk, Russia . . . I had finished it. I just couldnt put it down! Not only is it a great lesson in investing and trading, its a fascinating psychological study of what makes a great speculator tick. The rise and fall of a great speculator as well as the rise and fall of his family is great reading. The fact that it is based on interviews with Livermores survivors and witnesses to the events makes it even more interesting. Great writing."Mark Mobius, Managing Director, Templeton Asset Management "As one of the most shrewd traders of all time, Jesse Livermore demonstrated how important discipline is when trading the market. Smitten . . . covers how Livermore created his rules . . . also reviews the lessons Livermore learned along the way to develop his strategies."William J. ONeil, Publisher, Investors Business Daily "A stock market classic! Most entertaining and informative book on the market that I have had the privilege to read in the last twenty years. A must-read for students of the stock marketgreat even for those who have no knowledge of the market. Grabs you from the start and holds you enthralled from cover to cover. Great book!"Dan Sullivan, Publisher, The Chartist, Fund Manager, and Investment Advisor "After reading Smittens magnificent biography, two Japanese proverbs came to mind: Fortune favors the bold and Darkness lies one inch ahead. Smitten shows how fortune and darkness were integral parts of Livermores life . . . has the intrigue of a mystery novel and the lessons of a trading master. What more can one ask for? I eagerly recommend this book to anyone interested in history, the markets, and trading psychology."Steve Nison, author of Japanese Candlestick Charting
最后的官窑 本书特色 天佑灵瓷,祭祀逝去的王朝之梦;地托古窑,烧铸永远的民族之魂。大清年间,在巴黎国际陶瓷艺术品展览会开幕前夕,大清皇窑厂运送展品的御船遭到莫名...
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小弗雷德·施韦德(Fred Schwed, Jr.)20世纪20年代初期,已经读到大学四年级的小弗雷德因为晚上6点在宿舍里容留女生而被普林斯顿大学劝退,之后他就...
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成化后青花瓷-海外珍藏中华瑰宝 本书特色 由林瀚编写的《海外珍藏中华瑰宝》系列丛书收录了2000件世界著名博物馆珍藏的中华瑰宝图片,其中不乏孤品、精品、罕见之品...
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