Recommended for professional certification by the Market Technician's Association, this is the Original - and Still Number One - Technical Analysis Answer Book. "Technical Analysis Explained, 4th Edition", is today's best resource for making smarter, more informed investment decisions. This straight-talking guidebook details how individual investors can forecast price movements with the same accuracy as Wall Street's most highly paid professionals, and provides all the information you will need to both understand and implement the time-honored, profit-driven tools of technical analysis.Completely revised and updated for the technologies and trading styles of 21st century markets, it features: technical indicators to predict and profit from regularly occurring market turning points; psychological strategies for intuitively knowing where investors will seek profits - and arriving there first!; and, methods to increase your forecasting accuracy, using today's most advanced trading techniques.Critical acclaim for previous editions include: "One of the best books on technical analysis to come out since Edwards and Magee's classic text in 1948...Belongs on the shelf of every serious trader and technical analyst. " - "Futures". "..."Technical Analysis Explained" [is] widely regarded as the standard work for this generation of chartists." - "Forbes".Traders and investors are creatures of habit who react - and often overreact - in predictable ways to rising or falling stock prices, breaking business news, and cyclical financial reports. Technical analysis is the art of observing how investors have regularly responded to events in the past and using that knowledge to accurately forecast how they will respond in the future. Traders can then take advantage of that knowledge to buy when prices are near their bottoms and sell when prices are close to their highs. Since its original publication in 1980, and through two updated editions, Martin Pring's "Technical Analysis Explained" has showed tens of thousands of investors, including many professionals, how to increase their trading and investing profits by understanding, interpreting, and forecasting movements in markets and individual stocks.Incorporating up-to-the-minute trading tools and technologies with the book's long-successful techniques and strategies, this comprehensively revised fourth edition provides new chapters on: candlesticks and one- and two-bar price reversals, especially valuable for intraday and swing traders; expanded material on momentum - including brand new interpretive techniques from the Directional Movement System and Chaunde Momentum Oscillator to the Relative Momentum Index and the Parabolic; expanded material on volume, with greater emphasis on volume momentum along with new indicators such as the Demand Index and Chaikin Money Flow; relative strength, an increasingly important and until now underappreciated arm of technical analysis; application of technical analysis to contrary opinion theory, expanding the book's coverage of the psychological aspects of trading and investing. Technical analysis is a tool, nothing more, yet few tools carry its potential for dramatically increasing a user's trading success and long-term wealth. Let Martin Pring's landmark "Technical Analysis Explained" provide you with a step-by-step program for incorporating technical analysis into your overall trading strategy and increasing your predictive accuracy and potential profit with every trade you make.
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