The author of the international bestseller The Art of the Start offers a new perspective on the art of influence.
Guy Kawasaki's acclaimed books have established him as the entrepreneur's entrepreneur, and in The Art of the Start he wrote the essential contemporary guide for starting any new enterprise. Now Kawasaki turns to the mystery of influence and offers a compelling new take on this key force that drives any successful business or personal interaction.
Enchantment's fundamental message is that in any transaction the goal is not to get your own way, but to bring about a voluntary, enduring, and delightful change of heart in other people, by working with and through them and enlisting their own goals and desires. It's enchantment that enables us to maneuver through difficult decisions, break people's entrenched habits, defy the wisdom of crowds, and get colleagues to work for long-term goals.
Kawasaki's advice includes:
• How to Achieve Rapport, Credibility, and Trust
• How to Help People Enchant Themselves
• How to Overcome Resistance
• How to Enchant Your Employees...and Your Boss
• How to Resist Enchantment
Anchored by his road-tested wisdom and inimitable wit, Enchantment is another classic from one of the most respected voices in business today.
Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions is Guy Kawasaki’s tenth book. In it, he explains how to influence what people will do while maintaining the highest standards of ethics.
The book explains when and why enchantment is necessary and then the pillars of enchantment: likeability, trustworthiness, and a great cause.
The next topics are launching, overcoming resistance, making enchantment endure, and using technology. There are even special chapters dedicated to enchanting your employees and your boss.
Finally, because there are times you may want to resist enchantment, there's even a chapter about how to do this too.
If you want to change the world — or even part of the world, this book is for you.
Chapter 1: Why Enchantment
Chapter 2: How to Achieve Likeability
Chapter 3: How to Achieve Trustworthiness
Chapter 4: How to Prepare
Chapter 5: How to Launch
Chapter 6: How to Overcome Resistance
Chapter 7: How to Make Enchantment Endure
Chapter 8: How to Use Push Technology
Chapter 9: How to Use Pull Technology
Chapter 10: How to Enchant Your Employees
Chapter 11: How to Enchant Your Boss
Chapter 12: How to Resist Enchantment
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