作者:《The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development》书籍
This book, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development: A cheat sheet to The Four Steps to the Epiphany By brant & Patric represents another milestone. Not only is it the first “third party” eBook about Customer Development, it raises the bar. Authors Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits have integrated the thinking of leading Customer Development practitioners and evangelists so any entrepreneur can apply them to his or her startup. They have distilled Customer Discovery into a series of steps illustrated with clear examples, concrete action items, and traps to avoid. This is a must read for all startups and their stakeholders.
The Customer Development framework is not tied to a particular business type, market segment, or product category. Company size, revenues, or location are im-material, as long as the company is planning on launching a new product. Anyone can benefit from Customer Development thinking. The philosophy applies to all entrepreneurs even though specific Customer Development processes are typically associated with those businesses just “starting up.”
Regardless of the stage your business is in, those of you most likely to pick up The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development are significantly involved in a startup technology company, either as a developer, product manager, or founder. Fundamentally, this is a book for entrepreneurs who are willing and able to question their most tightly-held business assumptions; it is for this group of people this eBook will benefit the most.
1. Introduction
Why this book?
Who Should Read This
2. Customer Development
What Customer Development Is
What Customer Development Is Not
Three Levels of Learning
Getting Started
3. Case Study: Naive Thinking
4. Concept Definitions
Early Adopters/Early Evangelists
Market Type
“Non-Traditional” Business Model
Product-Market Fit
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Lean Startup
Getting Out of the Building
5. Case Study: Multiple Pivots
6. Know The Business
To the Whiteboard
An Example
Know Thyself
7. Case Study: On Customer-Centric Cultures
8. 8 Steps to Customer Discovery
Step 1. Document C-P-S Hypotheses
Step 2. Brainstorm Business Model Hypotheses
Step 3. Find prospects to talk to
Step 4. Reach out to prospects
Step 5. Engaging Prospects
Step 6. Phase Gate I Compile I Measure ITest
Step 7. Problem Solving Fit/MVP
Step 8. Phase Gate II Compile I Measure ITest
9. Case Study: Testing Towards a Scalable Business Model
10. Conclusion
About the Authors
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