作者:《Getting to Plan B》书籍
出版社:Harvard Business Press
You have a new venture in mind. And you've crafted a business plan so detailed it's a work of art. Don't get too attached to it.
As John Mullins and Randy Komisar explain in Getting to Plan B, new businesses are fraught with uncertainty. To succeed, you must change the plan in real time as the inevitable challenges arise. In fact, studies show that entrepreneurs who stick slavishly to their Plan A stand a greater chance of failing-and that many successful businesses barely resemble their founders' original idea.
The authors provide a rigorous process for stress testing your Plan A and determining how to alter it so your business makes money, solves customers' needs, and endures. You'll discover strategies for:
-Identifying the leap-of-faith assumptions hidden in your plan
-Testing those assumptions and unearthing why the plan might not work
-Reconfiguring the five components of your business model-revenue model, gross margin model, operating model, working capital model, and investment model-to create a sounder Plan B.
Filled with success stories and cautionary tales, this book offers real cases illustrating the authors' unique process. Whether your idea is for a start-up or a new business unit within your organization, Getting to Plan B contains the road map you need to reach success.
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel, Make It Better
Assembling Analogs, Anti logs, and Leaps of Faith to Get to Plan B
Chapter2 : Guiding Your Flight Progress
The Power of Dashboards
Chapter 3 : Air, Food, and Water
Your Revenue Model
Chapter 4 : Avoiding Rocks and Hard Places
Your Gross Margin Model
Chapter 5 : Trimming the Fat
Your Operating Model
Chapter 6 : Cash Is King
Your Working Capital Model
Chapter 7 : It Takes Money to Make Money
Your Investment Model
Chapter 8 : Can You Balance a One-Legged Stool?
Multidimensional Business Models
Chapter 9 : Getting Started on Discovering Your Plan B
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