This title presents a practical approach to fuel game changing growth through business model innovation. Transformational new growth remains the Holy Grail for many organizations. But a deep understanding of how great business models are made can provide the key to unlocking that growth. This landmark book describes how companies can achieve transformational growth in new markets Or, simply put, how they can seize the white space. To step out into the unknown and seize the white space requires a new language - and a framework with which to understand an existing enterprise and the white space it hopes to conquer. This book - from Clay Christensen's firm Innosight - is devoted to making game-changing business model innovation a possibility. Leaving the rhetoric to others, it provides the building blocks for creating business model innovation: first, by showing executives how to discover new business models and then by showing them how to bring these innovations to market. With road-tested frameworks, analytics, and diagnostics, this book gives executives everything they need to reshape their business and achieve fantastic growth. Mark Johnson is cofounder and Chairman of Innosight, an innovation-based consulting and executive-training firm focused on helping companies and institutions innovate for new growth and transformation.
Foreword by AG Lafley, Chairman of the Board, Procter & Gamble
Section I: A New Model For Growth And Renewal
1. The White Space and Business Model Innovation
2. The Four-Box Business Model Framework
Section II: When New Business Models Are Needed
3. The White Space Within: Transforming Existing Markets
4. The White Space Beyond: Creating New Markets
5. The White Space Between: Dealing with Industry Discontinuity
Section III: Business Model Innovation As A Repeatable Process
6. Designing a New Business Model
7. Implementation
8. Overcoming Incumbent Challenges
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