The ultimate behind-the-scenes look at the hedge fund industry, The Alpha Masters: Unlocking the Genius of the World's Top Hedge Funds offers an unprecedented glimpse into the strategies and investment criteria serious money managers use to determine and evaluate their positions and maximize their hedge fund profits, in their own words. Author and CNBC hedge fund specialist Maneet Ahuja has unrivalled access to the masters of the market, and in this game-changing new book, she takes their stories public for the first time.
Bringing the secretive world of hedge funds out into the light of day, the book includes interviews with star fund managers:
Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates
Pierre LaGrange and Tim Wong, Man Group / AHL
John Paulson, Paulson & Co.
Marc Lasry and Sonia Gardner, Avenue Capital Group
David Tepper, Appaloosa Management
William A. Ackman, Pershing Square Capital Management
Daniel Loeb, Third Point
James Chanos, Kynikos Associates
Boaz Weinstein, Saba Capital Management
Experts at outperforming the market, many of these industry luminaries have never talked as candidly about their experiences—and the lessons they've learned—as they do in these pages.
Ahuja's unparalleled insider access allows her to bring the remarkable stories of these eleven incredibly successful individuals vividly to life as no one else can. Accessible and insightful, The Alpha Masters gets to the very heart of what makes these men and women so profitable. Packed with unique insights into the psychology of the hedge fund trade that are sure to help readers replicate the successes of the managers profiled here for themselves, the book is a provocative analysis of today's investing landscape.
Essential reading for business and investment readers of all backgrounds, The Alpha Masters is a true tell-all about life in the innermost chambers of the world of hedge funds, from a reporter on the front lines.
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