A book about the living design philosophy
A book concentrate 24 well-chosen brand about living idea
A book which is loved by the living player
A book for you to touch the design afflatus
A book for all the interior designer、architect、furniture disigner and plane designer
The globalization seems to have been inevitable, and in the age of being favored in the reconstruction in China, the developers sell their respective life styles everywhere, and everyone has argued to be flushed for the so-called human residence. The so-called life attitude is also absorbed, picked up and quickly abandoned by the purchasing power that is quickly growing, and becomes Chinese –style fast-food culture.
The globalization also deeply affects the household brands distributed around.The whole world and having the different beliefs ,and they cooperate with the designers across the industries and across the national boundaries, and they commission the same manufac-turer to produce, and they sell in the same way……
The globalization has provided them with the unexampled conditions for the capital, the talent and the market, and the globalization can also become their grave. How to keep their own differentiated advantages for the design, the production and the sales, and how to maintain their own design philosophy, and how to pursue the dissimilation in the wave of the assimilation is the biggest challenges they are facing.We have elaborately selected 24 household brands in the whole world, from the faraway North Europe, to ltaly, Germany ,UK, Sweden and Netherlands, to USA, and even to the neighboring Japan and Hong Kong……The different cultural backgrounds and the different regional distribution have formed their unique characteristics and the different opinions for the life. Although, they themselves are also part of the globalization, through the differentiated orientation, selection and recombination, they have fulfilled that even if the most tenuos part has also been marked with the most individualized brand, thus to produce the effects in the dissimilation.
If you are an architect, a product designer ,a graphic designer or a practitioner in the human residence domain, taking up this book for the professional habit, or just by chance ,through each segment of the story and the dialogue for the brand ,we wish to share the growing course of their brands ,the attention for the quality, the detail and pursuit for the life idea together, and to feel the impacts of the originality in the dissimilation spirit in the course of the globalization and even bring some inspirations for you life.
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