A practical guide to every type of difficult person, their various characteristics and behaviour patterns. Full of tried and tested tips, it tells you how best to handle these situations.
When dealing with difficult people, it is often just one aspect of their behaviour that is particularly challenging. But that single characteristic can be very problematic!
How People Tick is a practical guide to every type of difficult person and how best to handle them. Each situation is described, how it happens is analysed, and then strategies for dealing with the problem successfully are suggested. Disruptive behaviour patterns can be addressed once and for all, instead of having to handle one-off 'difficult' events, time and time again.
Absolutely invaluable to everybody, How People Tick is full of tried and tested tips for handling 'difficult' people in 'difficult' situations, based on a real understanding of their behaviour. It is for anyone who finds people bewildering or just plain difficult, and yet still wants to understand them, work with them and live with them.
“He goes on to identify these individual negative aspects and establishes how to deal with them in the workplace, using studies and providing tips for handling people who demonstrate the various types of undesirable behaviour.”
Supply Management
“A practical guide to every type of difficult person and how best to handle them.”
Business Executive
“A fantastic vade mecum stuffed with angry, vicious, moping, underachieving and self-obsessed people, with succinct advice on how to handle them in the workplace.”
European Business
“Real insights and practical solutions for what had been pretty difficult situations.”
Executive PA
“A useful addition to the ‘handling difficult people’ genre.”
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