Book Description
Will I Ever Find My Soul Mate?
Whether you are recently separated, divorced, or you have been in the singles scene for longer than you want, this insightful guide will help you navigate the dating maze and find that special person you've been waiting for.
By discussing the differences between men and women, Mars and Venus on a Date provides singles with:
* A thorough understanding of the five stages of dating -- attraction, uncertainty, exclusivity, intimacy, and engagement
* How to know what kind of person is right for you
* Answers to burning questions such as why don't men call, or why do some women stay single?
* The best places to meet your soul mate
* And advice on creating a loving and mutually fulfilling relationship
Filled with practical guidelines, inventive techniques, and witty insight, Mars and Venus on a Date will help single men and women explore the world of dating, understand how to make good choices, and discover the secret to finding a soul mate.
The latest tentacle of John Gray's formidable Mars and Venus octopus deals with a topic near to the heart of almost everybody--dating. With a lot of insight and common sense, Gray tackles the hard and often messy business of finding "a soul mate." Without fear or favor, Mars and Venus on a Date dissects the dynamics between men and women and the five stages each relationship must pass through: attraction, uncertainty, exclusivity, intimacy, and, finally, engagement (for marriage, of course). Even though Mars and Venus on a Date isn't The Rules by a long shot, the courtship it describes is surprisingly old-fashioned. It's chock-full of things your mother might say: "Most people find or are found by their soul mates when they are not really looking." "The man should never talk more than the woman." But how to know if the person you're with is your "soul mate?" Gray writes, "When our soul wants to marry our partner, it feels like a promise that we came into this world to keep." Which translates into, "When you know, you know."
From Library Journal
You're from another planet if you don't know who wrote this singles dating guide.
From AudioFile
John Gray provides unique yet pragmatic guidelines for the single, divorced and widowed who find themselves lost in a maze of dating complications. Speaking forth-rightly, Gray identifies the five stages in the dating process: attraction, uncertainty, exclusivity, intimacy and engagement. He carefully describes the benefits and pitfalls of each of these stages, leading to a better understanding of a relationship's true potential. Always witty, approachable and insightful, Gray reveals inventive techniques for discovering a soul mate and securing that relationship for a lifetime. B.J.P.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.1 width:(cm)13.5
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