"One fine morning I woke up and decided that I was no longer happy with my physique. Although I was overweight, I had gotten along fine and had no health problems. But I suddenly wanted to dress differently, to wear clothes designed by Hedi Slimane….But these fashions, modeled by very, very slim boys—and not men of my age—required me to lose at least eighty pounds....I did not think that it was possible to lose so much weight in one year....[But] in fact, it took me exactly thirteen months."
—Karl Lagerfeld
"Karl Lagerfeld’s case is spectacular as it shows how it is possible, through determination and willpower, to return to a harmonious balance even when excess weight is of a long-standing, deeply ingrained nature. I hope that many will be inspired by the example of the slimmed-down, elegant, and indefatigable Karl Lagerfeld to lose either the few pounds they feel should be sacrificed for their happiness or the several dozen pounds that are detrimental to their survival."
—Dr. Jean-Claude Houdret
The Karl Lagerfeld Diet , developed exclusively for Karl Lagerfeld by Dr. Jean-Claude Houdret, reveals the secret techniques of Lagerfeld’s amazing weight loss regimen. By first addressing the mental and behavioral causes of varying degrees of obesity, this book provides valuable insights and useful tips for preparing the mind and developing the willpower necessary to commit to this diet.
It then provides one hundred twenty gourmet recipes devised by Dr. Houdret, which cover breakfast, soups, starters and salads, eggs, seafood and fish, meat, pasta and pizza, vegetables, sauces, and desserts. Topping it off, Lagerfeld provides his personal tips for staying slim, attractive, and fit with additional chapters on skin care procedures, cosmetic treatments and surgery, general medical care, stress management, giving up tobacco, sleep, and exercise. Both an instructional guide and a motivational coach, The Karl Lagerfeld Diet is the ultimate accessory for healthy living.
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