Satellites: Photographs from the Fringes of the Former Soviet Union is the culmination of Jonas Bendiksen’s fascinating seven-year photographic journey through unrecognized countries, enclaves, and isolated communities. For decades, these outlying republics were held in orbit by the immense gravity of Moscow, the nucleus of the Soviet Empire. When the USSR dissolved, in 1991, its satellite states were sent into free space—and uncertain futures. Bendiksen, a prodigiously talented photographer, has explored six gray areas in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and far eastern Siberia, and in the process reveals that the Soviet breakup still continues today. Many of these outposts are ostensibly state-less states, places where Soviet nostalgia looms large, self-styled brands of capitalism have emerged, where cities are scarred from bloody insurrections, and entire populations have fled in search of better lives.
Transdniester is a breakaway region of Moldova that survives by functioning as a giant black market for illicit traffic in all manner of goods, from leftover Soviet munitions to bootlegged booze. Abkhazia, an unrecognized country on the Black Sea, was the natural pearl of the empire, where bellicose generals and productive factory managers came to relax. The spacecraft crash zones between Russia and Kazakhstan reveal a Soviet-inflected version of the entrepreneurial spirit. Birobidzhan, or “Soviet Zion,” was established by Stalin in far eastern Siberia, in 1928, twenty years before the founding of Israel as the first Jewish homeland—but today most traces of its Jewish past have been erased.
Hauntingly beautiful, these sixty-two arresting color photographs unsentimentally reveal the often grim circumstances in these half-forgotten regions that are uniformly poor and polluted—and often politically unstable. We may not hear much about them today, but we will certainly hear more from them in the near future as the fall of the Iron Curtain continues to reverberate throughout the region. This book is produced to accompany a traveling exhibition, which will open in July 2006 at the Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam.
中国近代古典人物画名家精品集-李耕 内容简介 李 耕(1885-1964)字砚农,号一琴道人、大帽山人等,堂号菜根精舍。福建仙游县人,生前系福建省美协副主席、省...
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动物篇-简笔画技巧 本书特色 本书的内容包括动物简笔画的绘画技法、应用实践、各种动物简笔画资料和动物姿态组合等。书中每一幅简笔画的技法深入浅出,每一个制作步骤都...
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色铅笔的静物手绘 本书特色 飞乐鸟*顶级的画师专门打造的色铅笔精品,适合不同熟练度的画手参考学习。这本《色铅笔的静物手绘》中加入了专门针对静止事物的手绘...
李可染 内容简介 本画册收录了李可染先生的绘画约56幅。其中有:放鹤亭;天都峰;家家都在画屏中;苏州拙政园;钱塘江远眺;枇杷山公园望重庆山城;苏州东山千年银杏等...
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任伯年小品绘画-壹 本书特色 作为一名画家,任伯年在中国绘画史上有着重要的地位,被徐悲鸿誉为“仇十洲(仇英)后中国画家**人”。他的绘画题材广泛,人物、花卉、禽...
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