Japan's most famous photographer, and one of photography's most prolific bookmakers, Nobuyoshi Araki is notorious for his erotic photographs of women in bondage. Japanese bondage, which differs from western bondage in its orchestration of knots and binding to arouse specific points upon the body, offers visual as well as erotic rewards that Araki has scrutinized with great zeal. Araki is able to bestow eroticism upon all manner of natural imagery, but is also celebrated for series such as Sentimental Journey and Winter Journey, which record his marriage and the death of his wife. Driven by an attraction to the uncensored facts of Eros and Thanatos, Araki has always made humanity the center of his concerns; but at several junctures in his career, the authorities have evinced indifference to such motives, removing his work from sale and arresting curators for exhibiting his work. Nonetheless, the craft of Araki's photography is not in doubt, and in recent years, his work has expanded to accommodate broader aspirations, inflected by age: "When I photograph unhappiness I only capture unhappiness," he told Nan Goldin in an interview, "but when I photograph happiness, life, death and everything else comes through." With over 300 photographs, this monumental survey provides a careful selection from his most important photographic cycles, from Satchin and Sentimental Journey to Winter Journey, Cityscapes Polart, Sensual Flowers, Bondage and others, to his most recent works.
Born in Tokyo in 1940, Nobuyoshi Araki worked at an advertising agency in the 1960s, where he met his future wife, Yoko Araki, the subject of his now classic volume Sentimental Journey. Her last days were recorded in a 1990 volume called Winter Journey. At the age of 70 his prolificness remains undimmed: "It is my past and the lust for life that is pushing me to take pictures now."
蔬果篇-国画基础教程花鸟画临创图典 本书特色 《国画基础教程:花鸟画临创图典·蔬果篇》由江苏美术出版社出版。蔬果篇-国画基础教程花鸟画临创图典 目录 一、临摹要...
一画一故事-读隋唐五代名画 本书特色 传承千百年的中国传统绘画,是中国文化艺术独有的表达方式。《一画一故事》系列丛书,艺术知识通俗易懂、图文并茂,立足中国美术史...
中国传统水墨画学习丛书·墨兰篇 本书特色 画帖选用的都是中国传统绘画中的著名作品,并标出原作的尺寸。 排列作品的原则是以作品的难易程序为顺序。在对作品分析时的图...
似影似画-新画意摄影技法 内容简介 本书的四个特点:**,创新性。这是*突出的特点而贯串在本书的始终。第二,艺术性。似影似画的创作讲求一定的艺术水准,较高的艺术...
国画风采——中国名画鉴赏 本书特色 本书从中国绘画的历史长河中撷取历代名家的经典作品,收录了从魏晋南北朝开始直至清朝末年结束的历代中国传世名画,包括人物、山水、...
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尤无曲画花卉清供技法 本书特色 《尤无曲泼墨山水技法》由美术评论家、中国艺术研究院研究员柯文辉撰稿,分“画家尤无曲”、“谈泼墨山水”、“山水写生”、“泼墨山水画...
索罗拉 本书特色 ★ 8开平装,吉林美术出版社出版★ 索罗拉是19世纪末20世纪初伟大的自然主义风格画家,是印象主义绘画在西班牙杰出的代表,以人物和风景著称★ ...
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美国摄影百科全书 本书特色 ★ 16开精装,中国摄影出版社出版★ 本书是美国纽约摄影国际中心组织编写的一部单卷本摄影专业大型辞书,原版于1984年由庞德出版公司...