"At Twelve" is Sally Mann's revealing, collective portrait of twelve-year-old girls on the verge of adulthood. To be young and female in America is a time of tremendous excitement and social possibilities; it is a trying time as well, caught between childhood and adulthood, when the difference is not entirely understood. As Ann Beattie writes in her perceptive introduction, "These girls still exist in an innocent world in which a pose is only a pose-- what adults make of that pose may be the issue." The consequences of this misunderstanding can be real: destitution, abuse, unwanted pregnancy. Mann does not deny this reality, but records it, both in the faces of her subjects and in written stories that accompany thirteen of the portraits, adding another dimension to our understanding of "childhood." The young women in Mann's unflinching, large-format photographs, however, are not victims. They return the viewer's gaze with a disturbing equanimity. Poet Jonathan Williams writes, "Sally Mann's girls are the ones who do the hard looking in "At Twelve"-- be up to it " Partly this is a result of the remarkable rapport that Mann is able to establish with her subjects. Herself the mother of three, Mann has lived most of her life in Lexington, Virginia, where all of these pictures were taken. In fact, many of the families of the young women were cared for by her father, who was the town doctor for over forty years. So while" At Twelve "is an intensely personal vision of what it means, now, to be twelve and female, each of Mann's subjects is allowed the opportunity to frankly return our wondering, reminiscent gaze and to have a history of her own, rooted in a specific place at aparticular moment-- at twelve.
野町和嘉,1946 年生于日本高知县。1971 年以广告摄影师开始他的自由记者生涯。次年25 岁时,在首次接触撒哈拉沙漠的过程中,转而从事摄影新闻工作。在大沙漠...
当代芥子园--詹庚西画菊花 本书特色 人民美术出版社曾于1957年重印出版《芥子园画传》,并于1978年再版,当有裨于自习传统中国画之爱好者。然而时过境迁,经百...
李可染 内容简介 本画册收录了李可染先生的绘画约56幅。其中有:放鹤亭;天都峰;家家都在画屏中;苏州拙政园;钱塘江远眺;枇杷山公园望重庆山城;苏州东山千年银杏等...
莱昂纳多的蒙娜丽莎 本书特色 “一幅画读懂一个大师”,是一套精细解读世界经典名画的丛书,顾名思义,我们要通过一本书为载体,将一位世界级艺术大师的经典作品做一次精...
名作家的画:外国卷 内容简介 在这本书里,作家和诗人的画谁高谁低谁多谁少是次要的,重要的是这些画都是我们所景仰的作家和诗人的画,重要的是这么多作家和诗人的画都汇...
韩羽文集1 内容简介 韩羽,自称画坛布衣。为文为画,亦庄亦谐。谐中有庄,庄处亦谐。谐时得趣,庄时得意。意趣之问,作者陶然,观者粲然。本丛书系作者自选,实已囊括其...
占祥墨趣(宣纸散页) 本书特色 ★ 大4开盒装,河北教育出版社出版★ 高占祥,著名诗人、作家、文艺评论家、书法家、摄影家,中国大陆首位世界桂冠诗人,曾获中国文化...
党震的艺术世界 本书特色 《党震的艺术世界》为艺术家传记类图书,按时间先后顺序对党震每个时期的艺术创作进行归纳、梳理,详细记录了党震的成长经历的轨迹,同时解读了...
《新编古筝教程 第二册》内容简介:本书特点:一是收入的古筝乐曲更多,内容更丰富,以便更适合于不同层次的操筝者的演练;二是增加
中国传世花鸟画-全4册 本书特色 ★ 16开线装,西安交通大学出版社出版★ 每幅画作不仅标明材质、尺寸、馆藏地,部分另附局部放大图★ “国宝传奇”栏目,介绍了画...
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漫行慢摄走四川-镜头中国 本书特色 精确摄影路线提示,*佳摄影景点推荐,景点摄影技巧提示,完整旅游贴士。10余条经典摄影线路,60余个著名景点,200余幅精美图...
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申石伽竹石画谱 本书特色 申石伽除擅长山水画外,其画竹堪称独特。画竹之妙,能融入山水气势;而局部渲染的技法,更能将风云雨晴、明月泉瀑,糅合得意境深远、千姿百态,...
水彩色铅笔的散步心情笔记 本书特色 在繁忙的生活中,几乎没有充裕的时间画画,此时不如利用水彩色铅笔,利用零碎的时间迅速写生。不论是观光、旅游、逛街,或是等车的空...
曹雪枫画集 本书特色 本画集收入曹雪枫先生的山水画和工笔画,其作品构图野旷、大气,法度严谨,更有广阔的视野关注与日俱进的社会人生及提升精神品格的胸怀。其山水在充...