"At Twelve" is Sally Mann's revealing, collective portrait of twelve-year-old girls on the verge of adulthood. To be young and female in America is a time of tremendous excitement and social possibilities; it is a trying time as well, caught between childhood and adulthood, when the difference is not entirely understood. As Ann Beattie writes in her perceptive introduction, "These girls still exist in an innocent world in which a pose is only a pose-- what adults make of that pose may be the issue." The consequences of this misunderstanding can be real: destitution, abuse, unwanted pregnancy. Mann does not deny this reality, but records it, both in the faces of her subjects and in written stories that accompany thirteen of the portraits, adding another dimension to our understanding of "childhood." The young women in Mann's unflinching, large-format photographs, however, are not victims. They return the viewer's gaze with a disturbing equanimity. Poet Jonathan Williams writes, "Sally Mann's girls are the ones who do the hard looking in "At Twelve"-- be up to it " Partly this is a result of the remarkable rapport that Mann is able to establish with her subjects. Herself the mother of three, Mann has lived most of her life in Lexington, Virginia, where all of these pictures were taken. In fact, many of the families of the young women were cared for by her father, who was the town doctor for over forty years. So while" At Twelve "is an intensely personal vision of what it means, now, to be twelve and female, each of Mann's subjects is allowed the opportunity to frankly return our wondering, reminiscent gaze and to have a history of her own, rooted in a specific place at aparticular moment-- at twelve.
人物卷-中国绘画史图鉴-卷五 本书特色 《中国绘画史图鉴》以简明扼要的文字串连中国绘画史脉络,以几百幅高清图版,系统完整地展示和阐述历代名家名作及风格流派,为读...
动画造型与民间美术 内容简介 本书内容包括:动画的类型、动画造型特性、动画的色彩、中国动画造型、中国民间美术、中国民间美术的类型、中国民间美术对动画造型的影响、...
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初级篇-简单插画练习 本书特色本书为涂鸦基础书,较好地把握着“画画是件美好的事”这个主旨,系统教授了基础涂鸦。符合目标读者“随手画出各种各样的涂鸦,让身边人刮目...
水彩物语:植物绘 本书特色 本书是以观赏植物为主题的水彩写生图谱,带领读者在学习水彩写生技法的过程中漫游千姿百态的植物世界。全书精选17种有代表性的观赏植物进行...
京剧老照片-第一辑 本书特色 “京剧老照片系列”第1辑约3万字,收录民国京剧鼎盛时期生旦净丑各行当高清京剧老照片271幅,分为“氍毹撷英”(剧照)、“庐山...
团购:色铅笔下的彩绘世界3册 本书特色 ★ 16平装,中国青年出版社出版★ 新生代插画家麦小朵,创作了大量精致、唯美、惹人喜爱的形象与绘本内容★ 全书细致地为读...
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工笔草虫-初学者之友-附赠原大白描八幅 本书特色 昆虫是中国画画家经常描绘的对象。一般常见的昆虫大多生长在草丛里,所以画家也习惯地称它们为草虫。草虫画是中国画花...
《Excel 2013从新手到高手(超值版)》内容简介:《Excel 2013从新手到高手(超值版)》分为7篇,共26章。第1篇【新手入门篇】介绍
看画·第二辑(全三册) 本书特色 ★12开软精装,特种纸全彩精印,化学工业出版社出版★一书三册,精选“悲情三剑客”埃贡·席勒、蒙克、莫迪里阿尼共428幅代表作,...
历代名家册页.陆治 文嘉 本书特色 “吴门画派”简称“吴派”,一般认为始于沈周,成于文徵明,加上唐寅和仇英,是为“吴门四家”或称“明四家”。明代中期以后...
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西方艺术史论名著:十九世纪绘画艺术 内容简介 本书是乔治·摩尔在巴黎十年学画的结晶,是他对19世纪著名画家的作品、生活、风格的综合评价,其中主要是印象派画家,涉...
草间弥生-爱丽丝奇境历险记-插图珍藏版 本书特色 作为当代艺术*著名的代表人物之一,草间弥生的作品一直是艺术品市场上的热点, 1959年创作的画作《no.2》在...
镜头下的经典之旅 本书特色 我们已经习惯背起行囊的时候带上相机,看到风景的时候按下快门,需要回忆的时候翻开相册。镜头,已经成为我们旅行的一部分。本书的每一篇文字...