The biggest, most lavish book production of the 20th century is back! "Sumo" was a titanic book in every respect: a 480-page tribute to the 20th century's most influential, intriguing and controversial photographer, it broke records for weight, dimensions, and resale price. Helmut Newton (1920-2004) always demonstrated a healthy disdain for easy or predictable solutions. "Sumo" - a bold and unprecedented publishing venture - was an irresistible project. The idea of a spectacular compendium of images, a book with the dimensions of a private exhibition, reproduced to exceptional page size and to state-of-the-art origination and printing standards, emerged from an open, exploratory dialogue between photographer and publisher. With the physically commanding "Sumo" weighing in - boxed and shrink-wrapped - at 35.4 kilos, Newton created a landmark book that stood head and shoulders above anything previously attempted, either in terms of conceptual extravagance or technical specifications. Published in an edition of 10,000 signed and numbered copies, "Sumo" sold out soon after publication and quickly multiplied its value. This worldwide publishing sensation now features in numerous important collections around the world, including New York's Museum of Modern Art. Legendary "Sumo" copy number one, autographed by over 100 of the book's featured celebrities, also broke the record for the most expensive book published in the 20th century, selling at auction in Berlin on April 6, 2000 for 620,000 German Marks - approximately $430,000. "Sumo" established new standards for the art monograph genre, and secured a prominent place in photo-book history. This new edition is the fulfillment of an ambition conceived some years ago by Helmut Newton. He would surely be pleased that, a decade on from its first publication, "Sumo" - now in a format that allows for a more democratic distribution - will reach the widest possible audience. However, proud owners of the new edition won't wrestle with their copy of "Sumo".
对联书写答问 本书特色 《对联书写答问》是一本讲如何书写对联的常识性、技法性读物。其内容包括对联的历史,书写对联起于何时,对联的特点,书写形式、种类(寿联、喜联...
中国美术读本 内容简介 本书分为九章,**章“文脉无尽”,从总体上囊括中华文明对于可持续发展的文脉追求在美术活动中的反映;第二章“生生不息”阐释中华文明对于生命...
世界名画家全集--勃鲁盖尔 (尼德兰绘画大师)精装 内容简介 彼得·勃鲁盖尔在今日已被公认为法兰德斯绘画的三大巨匠之一。虽然作品数量只有五十件左右,然而勃鲁盖尔...
三国演义-李国文评金协中绘 本书特色 ★ 著名作家、茅盾文学奖得主李国文精妙点评,著名京派画家金协中工笔重彩,珠联璧合,熠熠生辉★ 作家出版社继《清孙温绘全本红...
大匠之门:17 内容简介 本书分为开卷有义、承上启下、书痕印相、格物致知、展事典藏五部分, 着力梳理中国古代艺术的传承、发展。本书内容主要有对中国古代园林画、扇...
绘时光 清新花卉-二十四节气花卉彩铅绘本 本书特色内容推荐 与其说这是一本关于色铅笔绘画技法图书,倒不如说是一本对美好生活呈现的微笔记, 作者精心挑选了二十四节...
饭泽耕太郎,日本重要的摄影评论家。1954 年生于日本宫城县,1977 年毕业于日本大学艺术学院摄影系,1984 年筑波大学艺术学研究科博士课程毕业,1990-...
烟画老北京360行 本书特色 《烟画老北京360行》作者李徳生先生在致力于东方民俗学研究的同时,收藏有清末民初中外烟草公司在华出版发行的香烟画片数万枚之多。在摄...
朝颜-小翠猫八年摄影作品集 本书特色 漫画家、知名解说、知名游戏编辑、网络主播、it白领、设计师、职业模特……收录包括小苍、郭紫欣(candy)、玛娜、夏达、猪...
簪花仕女图临摹技法 内容简介 《簪花仕女图》描绘了春夏之交时,宫廷贵族妇女在园中赏花、戏犬、漫步游玩、闲情雅致的情景。画有六人、二犬、一鹤、一花一石并列展开。作...
陈家明画虎-名家课堂.老虎画法 本书特色 “艺术来源于对生活的感悟,感悟离不开对自然环境的接触,视觉感观作为一种对外部环境接触的形式,肩负着使绘画成为一种语言的...
百雀图谱-天美画典 本书特色 麻雀是一种小型鸟类,分布很广,庭前院后处处可见,是和我们人类朝夕相处的好朋友。它生性活泼机灵,充满生机,因此深受人们的喜爱。在我国...
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中国民间美术全集--绘画 本书特色 ★ 16开精装,吉林美术出版社出版★ 民间美术大师王树村主编★ 收入了绘刻年画、民俗版画、画工字画、水陆画、塑神秘谱、神佛唐...