The biggest, most lavish book production of the 20th century is back! "Sumo" was a titanic book in every respect: a 480-page tribute to the 20th century's most influential, intriguing and controversial photographer, it broke records for weight, dimensions, and resale price. Helmut Newton (1920-2004) always demonstrated a healthy disdain for easy or predictable solutions. "Sumo" - a bold and unprecedented publishing venture - was an irresistible project. The idea of a spectacular compendium of images, a book with the dimensions of a private exhibition, reproduced to exceptional page size and to state-of-the-art origination and printing standards, emerged from an open, exploratory dialogue between photographer and publisher. With the physically commanding "Sumo" weighing in - boxed and shrink-wrapped - at 35.4 kilos, Newton created a landmark book that stood head and shoulders above anything previously attempted, either in terms of conceptual extravagance or technical specifications. Published in an edition of 10,000 signed and numbered copies, "Sumo" sold out soon after publication and quickly multiplied its value. This worldwide publishing sensation now features in numerous important collections around the world, including New York's Museum of Modern Art. Legendary "Sumo" copy number one, autographed by over 100 of the book's featured celebrities, also broke the record for the most expensive book published in the 20th century, selling at auction in Berlin on April 6, 2000 for 620,000 German Marks - approximately $430,000. "Sumo" established new standards for the art monograph genre, and secured a prominent place in photo-book history. This new edition is the fulfillment of an ambition conceived some years ago by Helmut Newton. He would surely be pleased that, a decade on from its first publication, "Sumo" - now in a format that allows for a more democratic distribution - will reach the widest possible audience. However, proud owners of the new edition won't wrestle with their copy of "Sumo".
中国画名家艺术研究:卢东工笔花鸟 内容简介 在中国画中,疏淡自是一种美感的形式与内容,它伴随着中国艺术精神和审美情趣,让人领略到一种单纯,本质的精神状态和人文境...
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再不学画画我们就老了.我的第一本素描书 本书特色 想学画画这件事被搁置多久了?忙着考试、忙着赚钱、忙这忙那,无数次的提起笔,又无数次的放下……其实,画画并没有那...
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花鸟鱼虫线描技法 本书特色 线描是造型基本功训练的手段,是工笔画设色前 的工序过程。邵军编著的《花鸟鱼虫线描技法》以花 鸟鱼虫为主要描 绘对象,就学习...
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中国古代名家作品选粹-仇英 本书特色 仇英,字实父,号十洲,汉族,江苏太仓人。出身工匠,早年为漆工,他天资聪明,学画刻苦,拜周臣为师,画技日增。青年时代...