This title deals with masters and monographs. This is an encyclopedia of 20th century photographers and their finest publications. This is a comprehensive overview of the most influential photographers of the last century and their finest monographs. Arranged alphabetically, this biographical encyclopedia features every major photographer of the 20th century, from the earliest representatives of classical Modernism right up to the present day. Richly illustrated with facsimiles from books and magazines, this book includes all the major photographers of the last hundred years - especially those who have distinguished themselves with important publications or exhibitions, or who have made a significant contribution to the culture of the photographic image. The 400 entries include photographers from North America and Europe as well as Japan, Latin America, Africa, and China. "Photographers A-Z" focuses on photographic images and culture, but also features photographers working in 'applied' areas, whose work goes beyond the merely illustrative, and is regarded as photographic art or is conserved by major museums, such as Julius Shulman, Terry Richardson, Cindy Sherman, and David LaChapelle, etc. Featured photographers include: Ansel Adams, Manuel Alvarez-Bravo, Nobuyoshi Araki, Diane Arbus, Richard Avedon, David Bailey, Elmer Batters, Peter Beard, Cecil Beaton, Werner Bischof, Guy Bourdin, Bill Brandt, Robert Capa, William Claxton, Anton Corbijn, Robert Doisneau, William Eggleston, Masahisa Fukase, Ron Galella, Nan Goldin, Jean-Paul Goude, John Heartfield, Eikoh Hosoe, George Hoyningen-Huene, Seydou Keita, William Klein, Nick Knight, Neil Leifer, Peter Lindbergh, Man Ray, Robert Mapplethorpe, Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin, Jean-Baptiste Mondino, Helmut Newton, Martin Parr, Irving Penn, Pierre et Gilles, Bettina Rheims, Leni Riefenstahl, Sebastiao Salgado, Andres Serrano, Cindy Sherman, Kishin Shinoyama, Jeanloup Sieff, Lord Snowdon, Bert Stern, Larry Sultan, Mario Testino, Wolfgang Tillmans, Ellen von Unwerth, Andy Warhol, Bruce Weber, Weegee, Gary Winogrand and many more.
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动画造型与民间美术 内容简介 本书内容包括:动画的类型、动画造型特性、动画的色彩、中国动画造型、中国民间美术、中国民间美术的类型、中国民间美术对动画造型的影响、...
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漫画角色绘画描红 本书特色 想要画好漫画中的角色,但不知漫画的技法,又想快点掌握技巧!本书推荐有这种想法的人从临摹开始学习。在不断地临摹过程中,就会掌握基本的画...
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钢笔风景写生 本书特色 《钢笔风景写生》结合笔者秦凡和袁诚多年从事设计艺术教育和速写实践的心得体会,选用了大量的速写图例,通过以图译文、以文解图、图文并...
竹久梦二-画与诗 内容简介 应该说明的是,这部由陈子善编著的《竹久梦二:画与诗》中的画作分别选自《宵待草:竹久梦二诗歌绘本》(矢泽宽编,日本大月书店二九...
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