Gold Medal Winner--Tops Sales World's Best Sales and Marketing Book "Fast, fun and immensely practical." -JOE SULLIVAN, Founder, Flextronics "Move over Neil Strauss and game theory. Pitch Anything reveals the next big thing in social dynamics: game for business." -JOSH WHITFORD, Founder, Echelon Media "What do supermodels and venture capitalists have in common?They hear hundreds of pitches a year. Pitch Anything makes sure you get the nod (or wink) you deserve." -RALPH CRAM, Investor "Pitch Anything offers a new method that will differentiate you from the rest of the pack." -JASON JONES, Senior Vice President, Jones Lang LaSalle "If you want to pitch a product, raise money, or close a deal, read Pitch Anything and put its principles to work." -STEVEN WALDMAN, Principal and Founder, Spectrum Capital "Pitch Anything opened my eyes to what I had been missing in my presentations and business interactions." -LOUIE UCCIFERRI, President, Regent Capital Group "I use Oren's unique strategies to sell deals, raise money, and handle tough situations." -TAYLOR GARRETT, Vice President, White Cap "A counter-intuitive method that works." -JAY GOYAL, CEO, SumOpti About the Book: When it comes to delivering a pitch, Oren Klaff has unparalleled credentials. Over the past 13 years, he has used his one-of-a- kind method to raise more than $400 million-and now, for the fi rst time, he describes his formula to help you deliver a winning pitch in any business situation. Whether you're selling ideas to investors, pitching a client for new business, or even negotiating for a higher salary, Pitch Anything will transform the way you position your ideas. According to Klaff, creating and presenting a great pitch isn't an art-it's a simple science. Applying the latest findings in the field of neuroeconomics, while sharing eye-opening stories of his method in action, Klaff describes how the brain makes decisions and responds to pitches. With this information, you'll remain in complete control of every stage of the pitch process. Pitch Anything introduces the exclusive STRONG method of pitching, which can be put to use immediately: Setting the Frame Telling the Story Revealing the Intrigue Offering the Prize Nailing the Hookpoint Getting a Decision One truly great pitch can improve your career, make you a lot of money-and even change your life. Success is dependent on the method you use, not how hard you try. "Better method, more money," Klaff says. "Much better method, much more money." Klaff is the best in the business because his method is much better than anyone else's. And now it's yours. Apply the tactics and strategies outlined inPitch Anything to engage and persuade your audience-and you'll have more funding and support than you ever thought possible.
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