The second in the "What Your Professors Won't Tell You" series of essays on political economy, this collection includes thirteen essays. Authors include Nobel Prize winners Mario Vargas Llosa and Vernon Smith, Whole Foods Market CEO and founder John Mackey, and scholars from across the globe.
This book series is a project of the campus organization Students for Liberty and is intended to "offer the other side of the debate, the side that is rarely acknowledged to exist" in college courses on economics and political science. Students are encouraged to "read the best criticisms of free market capitalism ... Marx, Sombart, Rawls, Sandel" and then "wrestle with the arguments offered in this book, think about them, and make up your own mind."
The first book in this series The Economics of Freedom: Selected Works of Frederic Bastiat, includes a foreword by Nobel Prize economist F.A. Hayek.
Clear, concise, and persuasive rarely-heard arguments in favor of free market capitalism
Prominent essayists, including two Nobel Prize winners and a major American corporate chief executive.
Stimulating contributions from writers in China, Africa, Russia, Latin America, American universities and think tanks.
The "forbidden fruit" series subtitle has proved to be effective in attracting readers at book fairs and on college campuses.
Students for Liberty and the Atlas Economic Research Institute are conducting an internet promotional campaigns through libertarian networks. For example:
Table of Contents
The Morality of Capitalism, by Tom G. Palmer
Section I—The Virtues of Entrepreneurial Capitalism
Interview with an Entrepreneur, featuring John Mackey
Liberty and Dignity Explain the Modern World, by Deirdre N. McCloskey
Competition and Cooperation, by David Boaz
For-Profit Medicine and the Compassion Motive, by Tom G. Palmer
Section II—Voluntary Interaction and Self Interest
The Paradox of Morality, by Mao Yushi
The Moral Logic of Equality and Inequality in Market Society, by Leonid V. Nikonov
Adam Smith and the Myth of Greed, by Tom G. Palmer
Ayn Rand and Capitalism: The Moral Revolution, by David Kelley
Section III—The Production and Distribution of Wealth
The Market Economy and the Distribution of Wealth, by Ludwig Lachmann
Political and Economic Freedoms Together Spawn Humanity’s Miracles, by Temba A. Nolutshungu
Section IV—Globalizing Capitalism
Global Capitalism and Justice, by June Arunga
Human Betterment Through Globalization, by Vernon Smith
The Culture of Liberty, by Mario Vargas Llosa
A Little Further Reading for Fun and Profit (and Better School Papers)
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