作者:Shengqing Wu
出版社:Harvard University Asia Center
After the collapse of the Qing dynasty in 1911 and the rise of a vernacular language movement, most scholars and writers declared the classical Chinese poetic tradition to be dead. But how could a longstanding high poetic form simply grind to a halt, even in the face of tumultuous social change? In this groundbreaking book, Shengqing Wu explores the transformation of Chinese classical-style poetry in the early twentieth century. Drawing upon extensive archival research into the poetry collections and literary journals of two generations of poets and critics, Wu discusses the continuing significance of the classical form with its densely allusive and intricately wrought style. She combines close readings of poems with a depiction of the cultural practices their authors engaged in, including poetry gatherings, the use of mass media, international travel, and translation, to show how the lyrical tradition was a dynamic force fully capable of engaging with modernity. By examining the works and activities of previously neglected poets who maintained their commitment to traditional aesthetic ideals, Modern Archaics illuminates the splendor of Chinese lyricism and highlights the mutually transformative power of the modern and the archaic.
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Ornamental Lyricism
Part I A formal feeling comes: poetry of mourning
1 Falling Leaves and Grieving Cicadas: Allegory and the Experience of Loss in Song Lyrics
2 Radical Antiquarianism: Chen Sanli’s Poetic Response to Cultural Crisis
Part II The lure of intellectual elegance: poetry as social practice
3 Contested Fengya: Loyalists and Classical Poetry Clubs
4 A Lonely Enterprise: Classical Poetry and New Means of Cultural Production
Part III Lighting the modern torch with ancient fire: traveling poetics
5 Re-Feminizing Modern Space: Lü Bicheng and Her Overseas Lyrics
6 “O My Love is Like A Red Red Rose”: Classical Form and Translation
Epilogue: Translations of Tradition
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