A powerful, groundbreaking narrative of the ordinary Russian soldier’s experience of the worst war in history, based on newly revealed sources Of the thirty million who fought, eight million died, driven forward in suicidal charges, shattered by German shells and tanks. They were the men and women of the Red Army, a ragtag mass of soldiers who confronted Europe’s most lethal fighting force and by 1945 had defeated it. Sixty years have passed since their epic triumph, but the heart and mind of Ivan—as the ordinary Russian soldier was called—remain a mystery. We know something about hoe the soldiers died, but nearly nothing about how they lived, how they saw the world, or why they fought. Drawing on previously closed military and secret police archives, interviews with veterans, and private letters and diaries, Catherine Merridale presents the first comprehensive history of the Red Army rank and file. She follows the soldiers from the shock of the German invasion to their costly triumph in Stalingrad, where life expectancy was often a mere twenty-four hours. Through the soldiers’ eyes, we witness their victorious arrival in Berlin, where their rage and suffering exact an awful toll, and accompany them as they return home full of hope, only to be denied the new life they had been fighting to secure.
A tour de force of original research and a gripping history, Ivan’s War reveals the singular mixture of courage, patriotism, anger, and fear that made it possible for these underfed, badly led troops to defeat the Nazi army. In the process Merridale restores to history the invisible millions who sacrificed the most to win the war.
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王学泰-往来成古今 内容简介 这本书是读历史的随笔和回忆往事的集合,历史是我们的经历,包括载之于史籍的各种事件,也包括我们的经历。编好此集,很自然地想起孟浩然的...
清史原来超有趣-另一半清史 本书特色 清朝是中国历史上封建君主专制王朝中的*后一个,历经十三朝十二帝。其前身是1616年由努尔哈赤建立的后金政权,1636年皇太...
黑白曹操 本书特色 作为政治家、军事家、文学家,曹操是人们*为熟悉的历史形象,然而历史的长河中,他还有着鲜为人知的面孔。从一个制造灭门惨案、屠杀无辜百姓的刽子手...
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