Newly independent in 1585, the increasingly prosperous and politically powerful Dutch Republic experienced a tremendous rise in the production of artwork that was unparalleled in quantity, variety, and beauty. Now back in print, this classic book (originally published in 1996) examines the country's rich artistic culture in the seventeenth century, providing a full account of Dutch artists and patrons; artistic themes and techniques; and the political and social world in which artists worked. Distinguished art historian Mariet Westermann examines the 'worldly art' of this time in the context of the unique society that produced it, analyzing artists' choices and demonstrating how their pictures tell particular stories about the Dutch Republic, its people, and its past. More than 100 colour illustrations complement this engaging discussion of an extraordinary moment in the history of art.
INTRODUCTION: An Invitation to Look
Map: The Dutch Republic
Interpretive Possibilities: In Luxury, Look Out
ONE: Making and Marketing Pictures in the Dutch Republic
Training Artists, Making Pictures
Map: Seventeenth-century Amsterdam
Marketing, Buying, and Collecting Art
TWO: Texts and Images
Iconoclasm and the Privileged Word
Words into Pictures
Painters and the Genres of Literature and Art
THREE: Virtual Realities
Realist Strategies
Art, Science, and Illusionism
FOUR: Dutch Ideologies and Nascent National Identity
Fragments of National History
The Dutch Scene
Global Dutch Economy
Moral Economies at Home
FIVE: Portraiture and the Identity of Self and Community
Gender, Love, and Status
Professional and Civic Identity
Identities Preserved: Ironies of Portraiture
Architecture of Community
SIX: Artistic Authority
Representing Selves
Figuring Art
Reproducible Individuality: Prints
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