作者:《Emperor Huizong and Late Northern Song China》书籍
出版社:Harvard University Asia Center
Huizong was an exceptional emperor who lived through momentous times. A man of many talents, he wrote poetry and created his own distinctive calligraphy style; collected paintings, calligraphies, and antiquities on a large scale; promoted Daoism; and involved himself in the training of court artists, the layout of gardens, and reforms of music and medicine. The quarter century when Huizong ruled is just as fascinating. The greatly enlarged scholar-official class had come into its own but was deeply divided by factional strife. The long struggle between the Chinese state and its northern neighbors entered a new phase when Song proved unable to defend itself against the newly emergent Jurchen state of Jin. Huizong and thousands of members of his family and court were taken captive, and the Song dynasty had to recreate itself in the South.
Tables, Maps, and Figures
Part I: Court Politics and Policies
1. Huizong, Cai Jing, and the Politics of Reform [John Chaffee]
2. Irredentism as Political Capital: The New Policies and the Annexation of Tibetan Domains in Hehuang (the Qinghai-Gansu Highlands) under Shenzong and His Sons, 1068–1126 [Paul Jakov Smith]
3. Terms of Estrangement: Factional Discourse in the Early Huizong Reign, 1100–1104 [Ari Daniel Levine]
Part II: Imperial Ideology
4. Emperors Can Claim Antiquity Too: Emperorship and Autocracy under the New Policies [Peter K. Bol]
5. Tuning and Numerology in the New Learning School [Tsuyoshi Kojima]
Part III: Extending the Imperial Presence
6. Huizong’s Stone Inscriptions [Patricia Ebrey]
7. Huizong’s Impact on Medicine and on Public Health [Asaf Goldschmidt]
8. Huizong and the Divine Empyrean Palace Temple-Network [Shin-yi Chao]
Part IV: The Emperor and the Arts
9. Huizong’s Palace Poems [Ronald Egan]
10. Huizong’s Dashengyue, a Musical Performance of Emperorship and Officialdom [Joseph S. C. Lam]
11. Huizong’s Paintings: Art and the Art of Emperorship [Maggie Bickford]
Part V: Who’s Telling the Story? Rethinking the Sources
12. A Textual History of Cai Jing’s Biography in the Songshi [Charles Hartman]
13. Crossing Over: Huizong in the Afterglow, or the Deaths of a Troubling Emperor [Stephen H. West]
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